Sunday, January 27, 2008

Keep Moving Forward

Are there times in your life when you feel like the task that has been given to you is impossible? (much like the girl in the photo) What do you do? Do you quit? Do you go on but in your mind you have already given up?

As a church planter I have to confess that I feel like the girl in the picture (the shorter one). I keep thinking, "What on earth am I doing?" I know I am not alone, but there are days I sure feel like it. I understand that God is with me, but sometimes I just wonder where He is.

So what do I do? Well, I'll keep moving forward. God is in control of everything - who will be a part of the core group, where my next paycheck will come from, etc. To stop or move backwards is not an option - just keep moving forward.

If you can find any encouragement in my life, I would say to you that when you find yourself in an impossible situation - Just keep moving forward! God will show up, trust Him!

I will be out of town the next couple of days at a coaching conference. I look forward to seeing some good friends with like minds. I am sure I will have plenty to post about when I get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

"What on earth am I doing?"

"when you find yourself in an impossible situation - Just keep moving forward! God will show up, trust Him!"

I needed that today! Thanks again!