Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Official

Well, we are officially moving. We closed on our house in Eutawville on Monday evening and signed a lease at the apartment in Greenville on Tuesday morning. So, I take it we are definitely moving. All that stands between us and the move is about four thousand boxes that need to be filled with our family treasures. It has been interesting sorting through the stuff accumulated over the years and remembering days past. As I looked at our girls favorite baby clothing and blankets I was reminded what a wonderful blessing my family is to me. I am so grateful to God for allowing me to share my life with the greatest wife and children that anyone could ask for.

I had better stop here before I get to sentimental, but just remember that the people around you are not there by mere circumstance; they are there because God has placed them in your life because He knew you needed them. We cannot do it alone, others must be part of our lives if we are to continue to grow in life. I believe a fool thinks he can do it alone and then wonders why he does not fill fulfilled in life.

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