Thursday, December 13, 2007

Disney - Reason 3

As I conclude the reasons why Disney employees are opposite of many church members I have one more reason. (Rmember, these are my views and should be read as such):

Reason 3: Disney employees are successful in their jobs when they bring joy to others

Everything in life has a score card. By that I mean how you measure success. For a football team the ultimate success is winning the Super Bowl. For the Carolina Gamecocks - well I don't think we have figured out success yet. Anyway, for Disney employees success is making visitors to their parks happy. So weather they are working a ride, sweeping the streets, or participating in a parade, their goal is to make others happy. I am sure at times they must put aside their own feelings and remember their purpose - others.

So what about the church. The score card of the church consist of how many people attend, how much money was given, and how many people are baptized. Now I am not saying these are necessarily bad scorecards, but something needs to be added to it. If our job is to take the gospel to the world, do we count how many relationships we are building with the lost? If we are to love one another, do we count how many times we give to the needy?

People count what is important and we must get out of the mindset that just getting people into the church building and getting their money to run our programs is success. Maybe we need to look at Disney and learn that sometimes we must put our agenda aside to follow the vision God has given - serve others.

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