Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Disney - Reason 2

Yesterday I began exploring why Disney employees were so friendly and why the church seemed to be the opposite.

Reason 2: Disney employees have an attitude of service

It is no secret that Disney World strives to produce a magical experience for all who visit their theme parks. What a better way to accomplish this than by training their employees to serve their guests. After all, the typical family who visits Disney World has come from environments of work, home, and clubs that are void of service. Every time an employee of Disney offers assistance with no strings attached it promotes a unique environment.

So what about the church? The church ought to be where people can go to find an attitude of service. The disciples of Jesus had a hard time capturing this concept and that is why Jesus said: "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet" in John 13:14 while Jesus gave them an example of servanthood. If the church is practicing service to others, then it ought to have Disney World beat in the area of service.

But let's take it one step further. We all know the church is not a building, but is the people of God themselves. This being the case, we should not wait for people to enter out buildings to begin serving them. Our mission in life should be to discover ways of serving others and then spend our time accomplishing the task. Who are you serving? If you cannot think
of anyone, then get off your spiritual backside and get serving.

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