Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Back in Town

Well I have finally finished my two week tour. Our family has gone from the 85 degree weather of Orlando to the 30 degree weather of Tennessee just to return home to SC and find 75 degree weather. The past two weeks have been absolutely incredible for our family. We have laughed and played together and have had a time that has been blessed of God. As we return home, the thought of packing and moving is somewhat overwhelming. We are excited about the move, but it sure is hard to leave a house you love, a church that loves us, and friends that have always been there.

While at Disney World I noticed something amazing - every employee from Cinderella to the street sweeper was kind to our family. They were eager to assist us with any question and no matter how busy they were, they always stopped to trade pins with my girls. The question I ponder is "Why?" The bigger question is "Why are churches often the complete opposite of Disney World?" Over the next couple of days I want to explore possible reasons why Disney employees are so friendly compared to the typical church member?

Reason 1: The employees are paid at Disney World and the church is made up of volunteers.

I suppose this could be a reason, but how much do you get paid to sweep a street or run a ride. I do not know what they make, but I figure that not too many are found on Fortune 500's best paid people in America. There is something that goes deeper than money. The employees must feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. As Disney strives to grant one million dreams to visitors of their parks this year, their employees see themselves as fulfilling the vision of the company.

Do our churche members feel the same? Do members see themselves as a part of something bigger than themselves? Too many members are battling over money issues, assigned seating, and the color of the carpet. Churches have taken the approach of individuality and have lost the big picture that was given by Jesus to go into all the world. I know the church is full of volunteers, but we work for the King of Kings, we should serve out of love to the King to fulfill His vision, not our own.

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