Friday, November 16, 2007

Practical App of El Roi

I know that I have written about El Roi, God who sees me, three days now; but it is amazing how God is working. Yesterday a couple came back to look at our house and put a contract on it last night. But this is not about God selling our house, it is about God showing me that He is El Roi.

This couple was the only serious lookers at our house. There was one other lady who looked at it, but she came because the realtor dragged her there. Our house has been on the market since September and no one has looked at it. It was supposed to be advertised in the newspaper, but many of the weeks I could not find it in there. So basically there has been one couple look at our house in a time when the housing market has slumped, during a drought (not good when you are selling a house by the lake), also during the holiday season when people are not necessarily buying houses. I'll be honest with you, I was trying to figure out ways that we could make the house payment after we moved to Greenville.

You'll never guess where this couple currently lives. They live on the street behind us. They had sold their house and moved into a rental house within walking distance from us. In fact, that is how they saw our house. They were walking one day and saw the sign in our yard. They had already decided to buy another house, but decided to look at ours. Now if that is not El Roi I do not know what is. God sees me and orchestrated this whole event at His timing. The newspaper article, the lack of people looking at the house, the housing market, the lake being low; it did not matter to God because He sees my circumstances and cares enough about my family to move people into my neighborhood to see and buy my house.

Another thing that we were ready to accept is the fact that if our house sold before Christmas we would have to move before the end of the year. Now, understand, Christmas is our families favorite time of the year. We decorate our house like Clark Griswald in National Lampoons Christmas (well maybe not quite that much, but there are similarities). Anyway, this couple wants to spend Christmas in their rental house so we get to stay in the house until the end of the year. Break out the Christmas decorations!!!!!

God is El Roi! This makes Matthew 6:25-34 come to life. Why worry? God sees me! I want to praise God for this week of learning about Him from the Bible, a book, and practical application. This is what growth in Christ is supposed to be like. Now if I will just be as excited when God is teaching me a hard lesson.


SuperGeek said...

Congrats on the sale of your house. Angela and I are currently building and trying to sell our current house at the same time. We haven't had any serious bites, but when the time is right, it will sell.

Wildhermit said...


I am sorry if this is off topic as it really pertains nothing to the topic which you have blogged about. having said that, I want to say hey.

This is Ted Stegall. I got an e-mail from my sister saying that she recently go in touch with you and passed on your info.

I will not go through the usual "How are things?" As I am literate and have just read through some of your blog entries. Looks like things are going well for the Thompson family. I miss you guys.

Just the other day, no lie, I was thinking about you and making a comparison between you and the principal of my kid's school. The humble spirit that he has, the servant like heart, just the aura of God that radiates from him.

I will stop there to prevent you head from getting too big. I jest. Things are going well for Susan and I. We have settled where we feel as though God has led us, Fayetteville NC. I am out of the Army after having served a year in Iraq.

I have some stories and look forward to at least getting to e-know you again man. Love to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

Well, I finally made it here. I'm so happy that your house has a contract on it. God is El Roi!