Monday, November 19, 2007

A True Name Change

Something interesting to me during my quiet time. I was reading in Genesis 17 when God changes Abrams name to Abraham. Then he changes Sarai' s name:

Then God said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name." Genesis 17:15

God gives new names to Abraham and Sarah as a sign of the new covenant. In the same way we have been given new names when we enter into a covenant relationship with Christ through salvation. No longer are we outsiders, lost, heathen, etc. but now we are called the "children of God". I know this and understand this, but watch this next verse after Abraham hears that his wife is going to have a child:

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old bear a child?" Genesis 17:17

Abraham makes the every husband's nightmare come true by laughing at the impossibility of his wife doing something. When he realized that he was laughing out loud, he quickly added himself into the equation of the impossibility. Can't you see the smooth cover up to get out of this one? Smooooth Abraham!

What I find interesting is the name that he used. He did not call her Sarai, but Sarah. He accepted the fact that Sarah had been given a new name, but not the fact that this new name carried with it the power of God to do the impossible. WoW! Our churches are full of people who readily accept the new name of "Christian", but live defeated, powerless lives. What if... (here I go again with the what ifs) What if Christians would treat others as children of God, what if we were to see ourselves as victors rather than victims, what if we truly believed that God would do a new work in our lives daily, what if we stormed the gates of hell rather than worrying about defeat, what if we lived like heirs of God rather than paupers on the street - you get the idea. I can't speak for you, but for me, today I will live in the freedom, joy, everlasting life, power, etc. that comes with my name change

About my weekend:
  • Had an awesome weekend. Some friends came to Eutawville that are helping plant The Journey (name of the church plant in Greenville). We brainstormed and got a ton accomplished.
  • Phenomenal worship Sunday, maybe one of the best times of worship ever.
  • Last night held a community Thanksgiving dinner and praise time that was truly an encouraging time.
  • Found out we close on the house Dec 17 (our wedding anniversary, what an awesome present)
  • Decided to move to Greenville Dec. 28-29

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