Thursday, November 15, 2007

El Roi - Part 2

Then God opened her [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water... Genesis 21:19

Yesterday we looked at the fact that El Roi means the God who sees me. Remember Hagar found herself on the outs with Sarai, fled, heard from God, and then returned to her master. It was during this time that God shows himself to her as a God who sees those who are in desperate situations.

Today in Genesis 21 we find Hagar in trouble again. After Isaac was born, Sarai developed a bitterness towards Hagar and Ishmael. As a result, she expected Abram to force Hagar and Ismael to leave. Abram gives them water and then sends them out into the desert. After the water runs out and surveying her possibilities, Hagar places Ismael under a tree and leaves him to die. Not long after an angel of God speaks to Hagar and assures her that God has heard the cry of the child and they would be all right. Immediately after these words, God opens her eyes and she sees a well of water!

The interesting thing to me is that the well of water was there the whole time, but Hagar could not see it. She was so consumed with her current situation that she could not see the blessing of God right in front of her. And just think, the well was there before Hagar's problem arose. God had provided ahead of time.

How many times do I belly ache about my current situation? There are times that I can't see past my Multiple Sclerosis to view the blessings that God is already doing. As I think about The Journey church plant, I wonder how God is going to use me. There are times I belly ache about finances, lack of support, lack of excitement on behalf of others, and the list goes on and on. I wonder how many times I am missing a blessing as a result of focusing on my current situation?

Today, I am going to focus on God and not my situation. El Roi knows who I am, where I am, and what I need. What else could I ask for? Also check out Psalm 33:13-19

Trying out the video feature. Here is a video I made from Stupid Videos and U Tube selections. Hope you enjoy them.

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