Monday, November 3, 2008

Lessons from Joseph

Last night our LIFE Group dealt with the story of Joseph as found in Genesis 37-47. It generated some great discussion and is causing me to continue to ponder about the his life. There are some great lessons that I need to learn and I want to share them with you.

The first lesson from the life of Joseph is that he kept his eyes on God, not the actions of others.

Think about the way others treated this guy. He was sold into slavery by his brothers who originally thought to kill him. He had a great job in Egypt serving Potiphar until Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of rape and Joseph was thrown back into prison. He interpreted the dreams of a baker and a butler and told the butler to tell Pharoh about him when the butler got out. The butler did remember, but two years later.

I am sure that Joseph faced discouragement at the fact that those around him did not treat him very proper. But Joseph never gave up! No matter what circumstance he was in, others could tell that the Spirit of God was upon him.

So what is the lesson for me? Too many times my emotions are tied to the actions of others. Let's face it, church planting is hard work - especially when it is totally based on relationships! I get so excited when someone says they will come and be a part of LIFE group or a Celebration service, but equally let down if they do not make it.

This morning I realized that my attitude cannot be based on the actions of others. I must be grounded on the fact that God has a plan and a purpose for me. The danger is that if I live in a reaction mode to other's actions, then those I love (my family) will just get the left overs - which is the discouraged and disappointed Mike Thompson. If my emotions are based on God, then I can get off of the emotional roller coaster and give my family the best of Mike Thompson.

What about you? Living in reaction to others? How's that working for you and who are you hurting along the way? Let's strive to be based on God, not the actions others. We will be happier and those around us will enjoy being around us.

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