Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why Does The Church Exist?

I had a conversation with a lady yesterday and she asked where I worked. When I told her that I was in the process of starting a new church, she asked why Greenville needed another church. She did not attend church, but thought that the church must be doing good because she saw their parking lots were full as she passed by on Sunday morning.

What does it tell us when those outside the church define the church's success in terms of how many cars are in the parking lot? The sad thing is that although we will not admit it, that is how we define success inside the church as well.

For change to come to the church we must define a few words - success, disciple, transformation to name a few. Sadly the church has come to a place that success is defined by the number of people in the seats on Sunday and the amount given in the offering. A disciple is someone that attends the church services three times a week, goes on visitation, and is involved in the ministries of the church. While transformation has become those who put their church first (behind God, or course).

We all say that this is not the definition, but it is what we have put in place. I remember feeling this way as a pastor and defining my success on how many people would come and how many would get involved in our programs.

Before change can come to the church, we must define our terms as Scripture does. When we do, we may find that the church is in need of a much needed overhaul to realign our priorities with those found in the Bible.

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