Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Thoughts on Spiritual Warfare

After reading some Scripture about Spiritual Warfare (I Peter 5:6-11, Ephesians 6:10-20,
2 Corinthians 10:1-6) I cannot deny that spiritual warfare exist. I cannot even deny that as a believer I am to expect it. So why is it at age 39 and being in the ministry for 15 years that I am beginning to embrace the idea? It is not that I did not know about it. In fact, I can recall preaching sermons from Ephesians 6. My problem is that although I knew about it, I did not apply the principles of spiritual warfare in my life. Question: This being the case then did I really believe it was happening to me?

So here are some principles I learned from I Peter 5:6-11 (these are just raw notes from one day of studying, please take them as such)
  • I am to shepherd the flock I am entrusted with (vs. 1-4). I must do it willingly, not looking for profit, I must lead by example, and remember that my reward comes from God - not man. One of the aspects of the shepherd is to battle, not just for myself, but for the flock
  • I am to be clothed with humility (vs. 5). It is to easy to get prideful about the number of sheep that are in my flock. The more sheep I have, the more I must battle. Maybe I need to train others around me to do battle so none of the sheep fall through the cracks.
  • Be self-controlled (vs. 8). The battle belongs to the Lord. Therefore, since I belong to the Lord - I win. Don't go off half cocked looking to pick a fight. Have a plan, execute the plan, and storm the gates of hell.
  • Battle the devil (vs. 9). Identify him and kick his butt. Do not give in or up. Be confident that faith in God, His Word, His ways, will defeat the devil. Stand up and be a man of God! God gave me power, not fear. If I live a life of fear, where did I get that from?
  • Remember that I are not alone in the battle (vs. 9). Others are standing with me. If we could get our act together as churches and quit competing against one another then we could become a force that will not be stopped. It is not about numbers, it is about battling!
  • Stability, strength, rest, confidence will be mine after the battle. I will need it for the next battle. The battle may be won, but the victory is not totally mine until Christ returns.
Just some notes, hope they help. Take them and add to them and remember that the battle is real, but so is our God!!

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