Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What is a Disciple?

Yesterday I posted at 4am and today it is more like 10, to say that my life is a little unpredictable is an understatement. Anyway, continuing on with the theme of being a disciple this morning I decided to give you my definition of a disciple.

This definition comes from the account in Matthew 4:18-22 when Jesus called the first disciples to follow Him. So here it is, wait for it......wait for it......wait for it.......here it is......

A disciple is a person who has answered the call of Christ to follow Him by making major adjustments in their lives to invest into others.

I know it is not to complicated and you are probably disappointed, but I think that the Bible is not as complicated as we make it out to be. I think sometimes we intentionally make it complicated so that we have an excuse for not being obedient. But that is a topic for another day! I want to develop what a disciple does tomorrow, but today why don't we all think about this definition of a disciple and read Matthew 4:18-22. Until tomorrow...

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