Monday, July 7, 2008

Personal Thoughts of a Church Planter

If you notice the time of this post then you see it is 4am once again and yes, I am awake. It is remarkable to me how many times God seems to wake me up just to spend some time with Him. I used to get back to sleep by reading or watching television, but lately I get up and pray and study the Bible on the topic on my mind.

So what is on my mind this morning? The topic of fasting. I have to be honest with you I do not know much about the subject so I have been looking at Scripture and googling the subject. It is amazing to me that I have been in the ministry for almost 15 years and have not tapped into the area of fasting. Maybe that shows what a comfortable life I have lived that I did not need to dig deeper to get in touch with myself and God.

So why the interest in fasting now? Have I mentioned that I am a church planter without a consistent paycheck living in an apartment trying to lead people to a new way of "church"? All of the above areas are on my mind, but my greatest concern is how do I make a dent into the darkness around me? How do I lead others to see that it is up to believers to be salt and light in the world? How do we get on board with a movement of God to reach the hurting, confused, and angry and lead them into a relationship with Him.

Pretty heavy thoughts for 4am. Here's my overwhelming desire: I want to be used by God to make a difference in the lives of others. Oh, those others are not necessarily church folk - but those who do not acknowledge God right now. How on earth do I do that?

I know I have been rambling, so maybe you can help. What are your resources for fasting? How are you penetrating the darkness? What is God showing you about how to reach into a world separated from the love of God? You hear my thoughts, what are yours?


Allen said...

Check out this link - - once again I see that we are on the same page. I googled this last week.

Anonymous said...

I beleive what God is showing me is to slow down, take time to really look around me at what God is doing, to truly love like Jesus loves others. To look at the heart of others and not the outward appearances. God is patient with me, He has been showing me this for some time, to walk in righteouness and love. The world and christians need to see and be around people that are geninue, and to be geninue, we are His remanent.

Mike said...

Thanks for the good word! I see in my own life that I am more genuine when I slow down and get involved in what God is doing rather than expecting Him to get into my plan.

Anonymous said...

I just read in my devotions about how Elijah was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. This was when a great multitude was coming against Judah (see 2 Chronicles 20:1-12). Elijah was not special in and of himself. He was just a man with a nature like mine. But he had power in prayer beause he knew God's Word and he knew how to go and claim that Word in prayer. I read throughout the Old Testiment how God honored the fasting and prayers of His people. I think today we are not so serious about spending enough time with our God that we can go to Him like Elijah did. I know that I get busy and put other things before my quiet time with Him. I also know that to have real power that I must spend time with Him in prayer and reading His Word. If all Christians could get hold of that we would really see something happening! Wow, just think of it - if everyone in the Journey would spend time with God the way Elijah did, my goodness we would see some things happening!