Saturday, July 5, 2008

What Disciples Do Pt III

Sorry I did not post yesterday, but what a tremendous time I had with my family and other friends celebrating the fourth.

Anyway, here is our working definition of a disciple: A disciple is a person who has answered the call of Christ to follow Him by making major adjustments in their lives to invest into others

The third thing that I see a disciple does is invest their lives into others. I do not mean they invite people to church programs; they look at every person they meet as an opportunity to invest the love of God into them. Now I am not talking about walking around with Bibles and hitting people on the head; I believe that as we live Christ out in front of others, they will see a difference.

The problem is that too many believers will not allow others into their lives to see Christ. Let's face it, if we welcome someone to our church then we consider ourselves to be friendly. My wife has thrown an awesome challenge to me when I talk to people. She tells me "to ask the second question." First questions are always introduction while second questions want to find out about the individual. To be honest with you I think our churches are full of first question conversations. As a result we remain shallow with others and they are never allowed to see Jesus in us.

So here is a question to see if you are investing your life into others. Who are you intentionally building a relationship with? Notice the question is not who is investing into you. If you have a person are they a member of your church?

Until we take off our blinders to those we have contact with everyday, then we will never be salt and light into the world. If we are not salt and light, then how can we be disciples?

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