- 4:18-22 - As Jesus was walking He called some disciples
- 5:1 - When Jesus was seated on a mountain, his disciples came to him
- 8:1-4 - When Jesus came off of the mountain He encountered a leaper
- 8:5-13 - When Jesus entered Capernaum a centurion came to him
- 8:14-15 - When Jesus went to Peter's house He found Peter's mom was sick
- 8:28-34 - When Jesus crossed the sea to the country of Gergesenes, he encountered a demon possessed man
- 9:9-13 - After Jesus called Matthew the tax collector to follow Him, he sat at a table in the house and many tax collectors and sinners sat down with Him
I will stop here, but go check out the book of Matthew for yourself to see how Jesus was the church. Yes, He went to the synagogues to preach and teach but that was not all that He did. In fact the stories we see of Jesus is Him healing the sick, teaching, preaching, feeding the hungry outside of church walls. Jesus did all of these things, as He went. It was part of His day! He always had time for children, those in need physically, and those in need spiritually.
So what about my day? In my busyness to perform my church duties, do I take opportunities for those right around me. Maybe being the church isn't so hard, but slowing down to encounter people is. I believe that God wants me to be willing to lay everything aside to take those opportunities to speak into people's lives. Will I do it, or will I be to much in a hurry?
What about you? Who will you encounter today that God wants you to be the church to? Will you be aware of the opportunity, or will you be so preoccupied that you miss it? Why don't we start our day by asking God to give us His view of people. As He opens our eyes to those around us, stop what you are doing and be the church to those who are in need.
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