Friday, July 25, 2008

Frday Prayer Request

I have not done this in a couple of weeks, but I want to put some prayer request out there and ask for you to be partnering with us through prayer.
  • Please pray for me physically. I will begin a Vacation Bible School with high school students at Forestville Baptist in Greenville, SC on Sunday and go to Thursday. Saturday I will be at Crosspoint Bluffton to participate in their preview services. Monday and Tuesday I will be in a leadership seminar. Friday I will be in Eutawville for a wedding on Saturday. Then Sunday morning I will be preaching at Harristown Baptist in St. Stephens, SC. A busy week!
  • Pray for The Journey. We finish meeting with Medowsprings Church this Sunday and will continue meeting in homes. After a great staff meeting last week we are praying for ten LIFE groups meeting by January 09. Pray that God will continue to show us the intentional process of making disciples that make disciples.
  • Pray for Medowsprings, a church without a pastor trying to figure out what the next step is for their church
  • Pray for the apartments in which I am the Resident Assistance (The Paddock Club and Howell Commons). I am searching for churches to help me reach these communities, so far with no luck. I am shocked that churches will not jump at an open invitation to invest into 1500 people. Oh, well - guess they do not count if they do not go to church!
  • Pray that I will learn to be the church at all times, not just when it is convenient for me.
Thanks for praying for us, if I can pray for you - Please let me know! Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

My prayers will be with you this week - Jack

Anonymous said...

Will be praying daily as usual, but now I have some specifics to pray for.