Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Church Planter has even more Thoughts!

Sorry for missing yesterday's post, I know you just live for my blog. Anyway, continuing on with my thoughts, good or bad here we go:

As I reread my post from Tuesday the Lord hit me upside the head. Why do my thoughts turn negative when people do not respond the way I think they should. (There goes that mental movie again) At the same time I am disappointed, I am also extremely encouraged about the people who are making huge steps of faith to be a part of The Journey. Can I tell you about Jim and Marianne who recently left their church in which they were greatly involved to begin a new chapter in their lives with The Journey. They understand the vision and focus of The Journey and are making major adjustments in their lives to follow the call of Christ! (Sounds like a disciple of Christ to me). How exciting is that!

So why do I focus on the negative? Does the devil make me do it? No. Is it just who I am and I can't do anything about it? I certainly hope not. Is it a choice that I have made to focus on the negative rather than rejoice in the positive? Yep, that is it! It has been my choice.

So here is my deal... Today I will focus on the positive and take the negative to the Lord to handle. If this is a choice then it must be done on a daily basis. So I will do it today and worry about tomorrow, well, tomorrow! Hope you have a great positive day! Remember, it is your choice!


Anonymous said...

the vision God has given you is an awesome vision. We are to have relationship with Him and not just do the churchy thing. God has called every one to different parts,but we are the same body in Him no matter where we attend . We are to love each other and encourage each other on, even if we arent in the same fellowship we are still brothers and sisters together. His heartbeat is for unity, where beleivers will work together till He comes. We are to help each other futher His kingdom . the world will see His glory when we as Christians get serious and all work together like He said.

Anonymous said...

Something that has helped me have a more positive attitude lately is that when Jim and I get up we fix a pot of coffee and have a devotion together. We take our time to discuss what we just read. Then we have prayer and pray for our friends and the Journey. So being retired has helped me be able to do this and I like it! It seems like I get a lot more done when this is a daily part of my life. My life is not so tense and I trust the Lord to take care of everything. I have a tendency to worry and fret, so maybe your negative thoughts are heritary. But yes we can change that with God's help!