Friday, June 27, 2008

Prayer Time

Many of you have asked how to be involved in our family's life and the life of The Journey and I have not given a good answer. But a couple of weeks ago when I was having a difficult time with my health I asked several people to pray for me. Over the next couple of days I saw God heal me from what could have been a lengthy flare up of MS. My eyes were opened and I saw first hand the power of prayer. As a result I am going to start posting prayer needs on Friday so that each of you can actively be involved in prayer on behalf of our family and The Journey.

  • Pray that God continues to bless The Journey financially. We have received a paycheck every week for the past couple of months to which I am extremely grateful. Next week we will begin paying our worship leader (a minimum amount) each week as long as there is money in the account. We also have expenses in marketing (signs, flyers, etc.) coming up that we currently have no money for.
  • Pray that God continues to give the leadership team (Me, Allen, Jonathan) wisdom as we move forward with the church plant.
  • We are excited that God has given a place to meet during the month of July. Begin to pray for God' provision in August.
  • Pray for our family as we continue to seek to build relationships with others so we can just show them the love of God
  • Pray for my health (healing would be nice)
  • Pray for services this Sunday. We will be meeting at Medowsprings Church on Woodruff Rd. Pray that those we have been inviting will be there.

That gives you plenty to be praying for. Please feel free to email me for more specific information, or to offer any encouragement. May you have a good weekend!

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