Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Are You the Same?

After spending the weekend in Eutawville, I have realized one thing - I have changed. It was great to spend time with friends, even though it was not under good circumstances. But have you ever returned back to a once familiar and wonderful place to find that things just did not feel right? That is what I experienced.

Now I am not slamming anyone by saying this, I am just pointing out a fact that I have changed. At first I did not embrace this feeling well and I questioned my motives and wondered why things felt different. Then I realized that this is the way God works. In preparing our family to be missionaries in Greenville, He had to change me or else I would never leave a familiar place. Being used by God is sometimes uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and uncertain; but it is the center of joy, peace, and excitement.

My question for you today is are you the same? Only God is the same yesterday, today, and forever - but He is perfect! God will change you as you grow with Him. This change may be a refocusing on His will for you, or it may just be the process of perfecting you. Either way, as God changes you joy, peace, and excitement will follow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going through that too...