Monday, March 24, 2008

The Role of the Church

I hope you had a tremendous Easter, I sure did. We started the morning off by worshiping with the people of Trinity Point Church in Easley. It was a great service as we worshiped a risen Savior. After church we went to my in-laws house. This is the first time we have been able to do this in a while since we have been living three hours away before moving to Greenville.

After traditional Easter pictures, we sat down for one fabulous meal. My mother-in-law out did herself. Any meal that has deviled eggs (on Easter even) and lemon meringue pie has got to be the best. After eating together, we all went outside to play together. The hiding of Easter eggs, playing in the sand box, and hitting a wiffle ball made up the afternoon. (By the way one of the greatest memories my daughter will have is creaming me in the face with the wiffle ball. Think we could have won $10,000 with this one.) It was also fun when we put down the wiffle ball and started hitting Easter eggs with a bat. I do have to admit to end the day for me I got away and watched some basketball.

As we drove home I saw churches with cars in the parking lot and wondered why they were there. After spending such precious time with my family, I began to wonder if I would be willing to give that up to attend church. The answer for me is a resounding, "No". But it did make me wonder what the role of the church is. Is the church to meet regardless of obvious family oriented holidays? Is the assembling of the church more important that the assembling of a family? Should the family time be scheduled around church times? Am I not as much of a lover of Jesus as others because I raise such questions?

Over the next few days I will attempt to explore what God says the church is to be, so hang in there with me.

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