Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Church is in a Battle

In my last post I talked about the fact that I as a disciple of Christ am created for a battle. Problems arise in my life when I do not battle the spiritual wickedness and place my need to battle on others. I believe this is the problem for many churches as well.

Think about it. If a church is supposed to fight against the devil and it does not, then what do you suppose it will fight? Yep, each other. Too many churches are fighting over silly things like the color of the carpet, or who will be in charge because they have nothing else to fight about since they are not in the spiritual battle.

I also believe this is why churches fight other churches. For example the church that sees no need for a church plant, or a church that has a different style of music or a different way of reaching out to their communities. If a church is not fighting the spiritual battle, then it will turn to battle each other and other churches.

Kind of scary since I just described most churches. Even good churches fall into this trap. Our goal needs to shift from kicking each other to kicking the devil in the bum!

We are leaving today to go to the Georgia Aquarium and tomorrow we will be at the American Girl Cafe. I am excited about the aquarium, but the Cafe - well not so much. But when you have to girls, well it's not worth the fight. Anyway, it will be fun to be in my daughters' world for an afternoon. I will be preaching at First Baptist in Union, SC Sunday - looking forward to be there.

Hope you have a good weekend.

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