Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Do I Feel SOOO Good?

After meeting a friend for a coaching appointment at my favorite hang out (Java Jolt) I kept thinking how good I was feeling. Some mornings I just move a little sluggish, but not this morning. Then it dawned on me why I was feeling sooooo good. I tried a new coffee today and I remember the nice lady telling me that it had a tripple shot of espresso! Dude, this stuff is awesome - so this is what it's like to have a buzz. There is bad news with this, I am sure I will crash later. But until them I am going to keep feeling it!

Don't know if this is a random thought, or the coffee high - but boy do I miss football! What am I supposed to watch now? I have to be honest, if I have to watch one more Hallmark movie I think I will scream. Not that I don't like spending time with my wife, but come on - if you've seen one chick flick, you've seen them all. Seriously, what am I supposed to do? I guess I will just enjoy the time together and maybe take up Nascar racing.

I know this post is not too earth shattering, maybe I'll do better tomorrow. For now, I really am craving another cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am missing football too. Can;t wait to see what those Alabama Crimson Tide do this year!!!