Monday, February 25, 2008

Where is Discipleship?

Sunday our family went to worship with our friends Ken and Jeremy at Crosspoint Clemson. What an incredible service! Their student minister Matt preached an incredible sermon on discipleship. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because he said so wonderfully what I have been awkwardly speaking about the past year. Our thoughts are so close that half way during the sermon my wife leaned over and asked if we shared the same brain. Seriously, it was good. It is not available online yet, but when it is I will let you know because you have got to hear it.

Anyway, as Matt discussed discipleship, he pointed out the fact that true discipleship is tough work because it is based in relationships. It is easier to gather people together, give them the gospel, let them respond, and send them home. But true discipleship involves evangelism in a one on one relationship.

I sure want to The Journey to be a discipleship centered church. But when I say that I must fight my desire to be a success in the eyes of others. Building relationships takes time; therefore, The Journey will not be an overnight sensation. In fact, it may not make anyone's preferred blogsite, it probably won't be put up as a model of success, and I probably will not be asked to speak at a church planting conference. But, is it enough to know that one by one I am investing my life into others who desperately need the gospel and need to know how to live in their new life. I think so!

So thanks Matt for the sermon to just help me remember why I began this journey and to keep my eyes in tune with the vision God has placed upon my heart. I want to make a difference, it may not be to the world, but it will be to anyone who I come in contact with.

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