Monday, February 25, 2008

Let's Build Something

For a year Marissa (my youngest daughter) has had this mental movie of the two of us building a birdhouse. I do not know exactly what this birdhouse looks like in her mind, but I am sure it is a beautiful sight. We did try once to build a birdhouse. We ordered a kit online and attempted to put it together. Me, being the carpenter that I am... well, she ended up having a great time just playing with the wood. She did comfort me by telling me that it was OK.

My wife saw a building class for parents and their children at Lowe's so she signed us up. Saturday I took Marissa and Michaela to Lowe's for the Lowe's employees to teach us how to build a squirrel/bird feeder (think they call it that because there is no way to keep the squirrels out). I have to say I was a little intimidated when they simply handed us a kit for easy assembly. But we did it! We assembled a bird feeder! And I only had to look at the other dad's assembled kits a couple of times!

I have to say that spending time with my family is one of the most fun and important things in my life. I am glad that my daughters mental movie of building a bird house is complete (I know we built a bird feeder - but my mental movie says close enough!) Spend time with your children today, after all as a friend told me, they are the ones who will pick out the home you will live in when you get older.

The experience at Lowe's was incredible. They provided everything including patches at certificates for the girls (they would not give me one) and it was absolutely free! Amazing because as a church planter, I love free! For more information check out

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