Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Another reason why we do not go into all the world is that we just don’t have enough time. Now this is my opinion, but to make us feel better about not having enough time we have separated evangelism and discipleship. As long as we spend an hour a week knocking on doors to give people an opportunity to hear the gospel, then we are fine in our going into all the world.

I wonder if that is what Jesus had in mind (His mental movie) of His disciples. If we are to teach and baptize in all the world, that takes time. It takes time to build a relationship of discipleship with the world. By the way, my opinion is that discipleship and evangelism cannot be separated.

If I truly want to be obedient to the Great Commission, then I will prioritize opportunities to go into all the world. I will seek out activities like MS support groups to find common ground. I will be willing to adjust my schedule to attend these events, not expect them to fit into my life.

So, how about you? Are you making time to go into the world?

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