Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yesterday I brought up the fact that we as disciples of Christ do not go into the world. One reason I see for this is FEAR. Now I do not mean the type of fear that causes you to go screaming into your bedroom and hide under your covers. I believe that there is a fear on behalf of believers that if they go into the world, they themselves will become like the world.

After all, believers have created a sub-culture in which they will never have to have more than a polite conversation with people of the world. Believers have created their own activities, speak their own language, keep their children in their cultures events, etc. It's as if we are fearful that God will not protect us even though Jesus said "And lo, I will be with you even to the end of the age" in Matthew 28:19-20. If we are totally honest, not many believers have to put on the full armor of God that Paul talks about in Ephesians 6:10-20 because they never interact with the world let alone battle against it.

Quickly, another reason for fear is the thought that if a believer does not "do it" (Christianity) right, they will fail. Believers are so preoccupied with the latest discipleship class that they do not have time for building relationships with others. I am not opposed to discipleship but the fact is that while the "discipleship industry" has become a billion dollar industry, every Protestant religion is on the decline. Does something not add up here?

If we are to go into all the world, we must get over our fear. The consequences of our fear is the reality that we are leaving the world to wonderi what we as believers are all about. What's worse is that they are hearing from the news what we believe, and the media doesn't even have a clue what they are saying. I don't know about you, but today I am begining to ask in faith for God to release me of my fear so that I can become completely obedient to His Word.

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