Friday, February 22, 2008

Practical Application

The area that God has truly been dealing with me is in the area of practical application of the Word of God. I think that my life has been set up to obtain knowledge about God, but not necessarily do what He has taught. I believe that much of this can be attributed to the church. How many times are we expected to be at church on Sunday morning, but there is no expectations or strategy to apply what we were taught?

So in applying what I have learned this week about being in the world I am first looking back at my week. Where did I go to intentionally spend time in circles outside of my comfort zone? What are the names of the people I met for the first time this week? These are just two questions, but the truth is I did not do so well this past week in application of the Word. I do believe these questions can be the beginning to holding me accountable to be in the world. I challenge you to take the same to questions into next week and let's evaluate how we do together.

Just a reminder the two questions are:
1. Where did you go during the week to intentionally spend time outside of your comfort zone?

2. What are the names of the people you met for the first time during the week?

I look forward to challenging each other on these questions next Friday.

On The Journey front we are having a celebration service (worship) Sunday evening. We will be challenging those who have been attending the information meetings to commit to becoming part of the core group. It is an exciting time to see the individuals that God is bringing together to start something new to reach out to the thousands of unchurched in the Greenville area. I am so excited to see what God is going to do. I found out today that that is perseverance. Check out Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest for today.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

irene said...

Mike, this was my first time to your website, and i so enjoyed it! again, all the way from greenville you are giving daily thoughts to ponder- what am i doing to expand the kingdom of heaven. i got such a chuckle over your coffee and breakfast-to-go blogs. it touched my heart to pray for those you come in contact with because the message you shared with our family has changed us forever. we love and miss yal! irene