Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Do We Care?

Over the past few days I have taken a look at the reasons why we do not make the effort to go into all the world. Today I want to put it out there that we do not go because we really do not care about the lost. I have been asking myself this question, "Why do I want others to get saved?" To many times we equate salvations with success. When people get saved and join our church then it means we are doing the right thing. So do we really care when their salvation is really about us?

I know some of you are absolutely appauled that I would say that we do not go because we do not care. But let's just look at the facts. Is the typical Christian seeking ways to build relationships with those outside of the church walls? Do we as believers even know any lost people? Are we taking the time to pray that God would open our eyes to the world around us? If the answer is consistently no, then you really do not care. When you care about something it moves you to action. Frankly, all I hear from good church people is talk and see little action.

I cannot be satisfied with my life until I view others as Jesus does. He went out of His way to offer eternal life to the harlot, tax collector, and others. If I care, I will act! I don't know about you, but I do not want my life to be a political statement - good words, but short on action! It is time for me to stop being fearful and take the time to reach my neighbor for Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so true. I have been so guilty of that for years. God has recently cleaned my clock about that!

Thanks for sharing your story!