Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Your Mental Movie - Part 2

So here are the five things to remember about your mental movie if you do not want to end up frustrated and angry at life or even God. Remember we are getting these from Jonah 4.

1. Your mental movie must not be dependent upon the actions of others. Jonah expected the people of Nineveh to ignore God's command to repent; therefore, they would be destroyed. It made Jonah angry when they did the opposite of his mental move. How about you? Do you get angry when your husband or wife does not do what you think they ought to do? Do your children frustrate you when they do not say what you think they should say. You cannot put your expectation on another persons actions or you will be disappointed time and time again.

2. Leave room for editing your mental movie. When you think your dream is the way it is going to be, think again. God is in the business of editing our mental movies and changing our lives. Jonah became angry at God because He did not destroy Nineveh. Don't become frustrated with God when He changes the script of your life. (See James 4:13-15)

3. Let God tell you what part He will play. Too many times we treat God like a spiritual Santa Claus. When we pray we tell God what He needs to give us to make our lives better. Rather than telling God what we need Him to do, we need to listen to what He wants us to do.

4. Don't believe your mental movie is always right. Jonah thought he knew how things would work out. When God changed the plan, Jonah told God that is why he did not want to come to Nineveh. Dream about the future, but realize our dreams are marred with sin therefore, they cannot be correct all the time. It is all right to admit that you are not right all the time. Growth can come into our lives when we realize the mistake and avoid repeating the same action.

5. Stop your mental movie when it becomes all about you. Jonah was angry because this trip was all about him. When you get to the place where you think it is all about you, stop it! The first line of the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren says, "It's not all about you" We want to think that it is, but our minds must be transformed into knowing it is all about God. (See Romans 12:1-2)

Looking forward to spending time with friends tomorrow for Thanksgiving and then off to Disney World on Saturday for a week. I hope I will be able to post some, but I do not know if I will have computer access. Until next time, keep playing those mental movies, but don't let keep them in check.

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