Monday, November 12, 2007

Update to Super Dad Weekend

Well, the weekend was fabulous. For once in my life my mental movie of the way something should go actually turned out the way I was thinking. It was actually even better! We did accomplish everything on the list and by the way The Bee Movie - not so bad, but I still cannot get into Hannah Montana- maybe because I am not a nine year old girl. I do want to share some things I learned from the weekend that I do not want to forget:

1. Let expectations be known up front. I told the girls each morning what we would be doing and why and they responded through the day will little complaining.

2. I need to give my girls the freedom to accomplish what is expected. Too many times I tell the girls what to do and then harp on them if they do not do it immediately. This weekend they brushed their teeth without me having to tell them. They know what to do, I need to let them do it.

3. Don't sweat the small things. I have a problem in that I like everything perfect in the house. Too much of my time I am telling the girls to not do this or touch that. This weekend I did not do that and everything was all right.

4. I need to watch my girls play. I actually sat and watched Marissa playing - dude, it was amazing. Talk about creative! It made me come alive and realize how special God has made her.

5. I am a Super Dad! I do not need a special weekend, I can be super dad everyday. Being a Super Dad is not about what you buy your children, it is about time. I can give time everyday to my girls.

As I close just a thought I am pondering: When God said for Adam and Eve to become one, was he just talking about sex? More thoughts about this through the week.

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