Friday, November 9, 2007

Super Dad Weekend

There are times that I have watched TV shows where the dad was absolutely perfect and I wished I could be like that just for a weekend. Well, that weekend begins today. Karen left for a women's retreat this morning and will be away until Sunday night. I have proclaimed this Super Dad Weekend with my daughters. What does Super Dad Weekend mean?

1. We are spending a school day at the movies, going to check out the Bee Movie and if something else hits our fancy, we may do a double header.
2. After the movies we will go to Applebee's to eat. Whatever my girls want to order they can have - no drinking water, and yes to dessert.
3. We are coming home and staying up late eating popcorn and watching more movies - rented Meet the Robinsons. I may even watch Hannah Montana with the girls - all for the name of the Super Dad Weekend!
4. Tomorrow Marissa has a soccer game in which I will not coach her, but sit silently as I watch her run from the ball.
5. After the game we will go to Mrs. Jane's house (an adopted grandparent) to bake and eat cookies. I will try to sneak in some football here.
6. Saturday evening is free - whatever the girls want to do or wherever they want to eat (choices are limited in Eutawville)
7. Sunday morning church followed by lunch at friends house where the girls can play with their friends.
8. I am not going to tell the girls to brush their teeth, comb their hair, make sure their clothes match, or clean anything (we will clean at 5:00 on Sunday evening - we expect Karen to be home at 6)

Note: Please do not call DSS on me, it is only one weekend and do not tell my wife - this could be worse than DSS!

As you can see my mental movie of the Super Dad Weekend looks awesome. I'll report Monday and let you know how it turns out.

By the way, many have asked how the showing of our house went Wed. The people like the house, let's hope that means they like it enough to live in it!

Till Monday

1 comment:

SuperGeek said...

Sounds like a great weekend and should be lots of fun and good bonding times with your girls. Probably a good thing you missed football Saturday night as it was ugly. Looking forward to seeing you in town and good luck on offloading your house.