Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hello to the Blogger World

I have been reading other people's post faithfully for the past several months and have learned so much. I have been reluctant to starting my on blog page because I do not feel like I have much to share. But last night I realized that blogging my thoughts was more about my growth than others reading it. I truly desire to have a growing relationship with Christ, my wife, my children, and my church. Therefore, I am beginning to blog more for me than anyone else. If anyone chooses to read, then great- I am truly excited about that. But the thoughts on this page will be for me to think about areas in my journey of life so that I might continue to grow.

My life will drastically change in January. We are leaving Eutawville, where I have been pastor for almost seven years, and moving to Greenville to plant a church. January my paycheck stops, we need to have sold our house, and an apartment needs to open up in Greenville. As I watch the calendar fly by, I wonder if it will all happen. It is during these times that God reminds me that He is growing me. He is teaching me about Himself and His faithfulness. He has promised me in His Word that "He will never leave me or forsake me" What an opportunity to take God at His Word!

On a lighter note, I am an avid Carolina Gamecock fan and boy has my heart been broken. What was so promising looks so hopeless. But in Carolina fashion I must say, "Just wait until next year."



I really look forward to reading your blog...as I have found great insight and words of wisdom from you for so many years. I also appreciate honest Carolina fans. Have a great week.

SuperGeek said...

Hey Mike. Thanks for the e-mail making me aware of the blog. Looking forward to seeing you back in Greenville. As an avid Clemson fan, all I can say is November 24th!