Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What If God Fired Christians?

A friend called me yesterday and asked me if I heard the news. Tommy Bowden, head coach of Clemson University had been let go. To be honest with you, being a South Carolina fan - I could care less. In fact, I kind of like Tommy Bowden as Clemson's head coach.

As I watched the press conferences (by the way one interfered with my favorite television program "Chuck"! One more reason to hate Clemson) I learned that Bowden was not fired, but decided to quit. Regardless of how you put it, Bowden did not perform up to expectations and was let go.

Get's me thinking this morning - What if God were to fire (or let go) "believers"? What if we had weekly meetings and God asked how we were improving our record of making it to devotion times. What if God actually expected us to be fishers of men and held us accountable to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. What if God asked us how we were improving as parents, how we were drawing closer to Him, how closely we were to carrying out His commands? Pretty sobering questions.

If our Christian lives could somehow be played out on the football field, I wonder if Tommy Bowden's record of 3-3 would look good compared to our lives. A head football coach was "let go" for just breaking even when they were expected to do so much more.

As a believer, don't you think that God expects more out of you besides just breaking even in life? If we never spend time improving our devotion life, becoming better parents, being salt and light in the darkness - then why should we not be "let go" by God? I wonder how many people would be out of a job this morning if God did call a press conference and reveal those that were no longer needed on His team?

Would you be out of a job this morning?

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