Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Faith vs. Fear

It is amazing thing that God allows me to preach on subjects that I struggle with. For example, last week God led me to speak about living a life free of fear. As I studied and read Scripture I came to clearly see that faith is the opposite of fear. Now I have to admit that sometimes I whine when I should be living in faith. (OK, if you know me then you know that I whine too much.) I have realized that my whining is simply me vocalizing my lack of faith. Now I know that I cannot just trip a switch and live in complete faith, but I sure am reaching for it. I believe a life of faith is so much appealing to one filled with fear. Check out the characteristics of a life of fear vs. faith:

A life of Faith is full of -
focus on the future
healthy relationships

A Life of Fear is full of -
focus on today

Looking at this list makes me long for a life of faith, what about you? Let's begin the process of transformation from fearful lives to lives overflowing with faith.

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