Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bringing Every Thought Into Captivity

The next area of spiritual warfare is bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. I believe few Christians actually do offensive battle in this are of their lives. Just look at the cycle of so many believers: they sin, ask forgiveness, do good for a while then fall to the same sin - they ask forgiveness, do better for a while then fall to the same sin... and the cycle continues until the believer begins to think that it is hopeless, become embarrassed, discouraged and give up.

Verse 4 of I Cor. 10 informs us that we are to bring every though into captivity. Captivity is a force able event. It is the act of taking freedom from someone or something. The thoughts that are free in an unsaved person's life are not pleasing to God. When salvation occurs, the hard work begins of locking up some thoughts. So how do we do this? The rest of the verse tells us by being obedient to Christ. When I say obedience to Christ the mind automatically goes to things we do, our acts of service. But are we obedient to Romans 12:2?

And do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind....

So how do we get on the offensive in this battle for our thoughts? I believe this is where you see the acts of bible study, prayer, and accountability energize your spirit for the battle. Are there areas in your thought process that are displeasing to God and causing you to stumble, then bring them into captivity. Memorize Scripture dealing with this issue now! Pray for God to renew your mind with His thoughts. That is being offensive! Work at it when you are not in the middle of the temptation. Then when those thoughts arise, you already have it won. Let's face it, it would be difficult to think lustful thoughts while quoting Scripture!

I wish I had more time to deal with this, but take what I have written and check it out. Study on your own, after all if you really want your thoughts to be honoring to God then you will do the work. Just something to remember - God is the only one who knows our every thought, so why do we spend so much time trying to hide them from others and are not concerned with God?

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