Friday, March 28, 2008

Three Month Update

I thought I would end the week by updating you on our lives. We have been in Greenville for three months now and God has taught us so much about life.

Personally, I am living a life that I have always preached about. One of my sayings was, "Where in you life is a place that if God does not show up, you are sunk?" Well, that is now my entire life as a church planter. Physically I am stretching myself far beyond life in an office. Financially, well ,I am also learning about faith here. Many people live paycheck to paycheck, but they know the check is in the mail. Our family lives week to week wondering if there will even be a check. But God is amazing, providing for all of our needs and even more! And living in an apartment is not bad, but it is quite and adjustment from the confines of a country home.

My mental movie had this transition moving much quicker, more support, relationships building quicker, and money flowing in. Let me just say that if God does not show up in every area of our life, we are sunk! But let me also say that for the past three months, God has shown up in every area! When He gives a vision, He will take you on a journey of faith and trust. But He will not dump you for a better gig on the road - He is faithful and trustworthy which allows Him to teach me about such topics.

With The Journey, God has provided a place to meet and bringing people to take the journey of life together. We currently have 15 people walking together to plant the church. May not sound like much, but not too long ago it was only 4! God is sharpening the vision of the church as we move towards His goal. It is exciting and I sure am anticipating what God is going to do with this small group of people. I will definitely try to keep my mental movie out of God's plan for The Journey.

Hope you have a great weekend!

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