Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Church as the Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 12:12, "Just as each of us have one body with many members and these members do not all have the same functions, so in Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others."

The church at Corinth had spiritually arrogant members. Since they had been given the more highly visible gifts, they thought they were more important than others who worked behind the scene. Paul corrected them. All followers of Christ are part of the same body. They need each other. They cannot brag about their spiritual gifts, because they did nothing to deserve them. Like salvation, gifts represent acts of grace. Christians are commanded to use their gifts to equip and build up the body of Christ.

So you tell me, do our churches show to the world that we are the body of Christ? The way I see it, in a lot of churches there is a standard of worth put on those in the body. For some churches if you are involved in evangelistic training, go on mission trips, and attend every church service then you are definitely in. But only attend Sunday morning services and people pray for your faithfulness regardless of what you do for Christ throughout the week apart from the church sponsored programs.

Let's be real honest, too many members of churches have a selfish "me" mentality. They want the music the way they like it, desire discipleship classes for every personal felt need, it has to be in a convenient time, oh and by the way, take care of the spiritual well being for my children and youth. If they do not get these "needs" then off to another church because they were not getting spiritually fed. What happen to the fact that we to invest into one another because we are all part of the body? When did the church become about getting rather than giving?

I think we have a ways to go to show that we are the body working in cooperation with one another to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must begin praying for revival to come to our churches, no, to come into my heart. I do not want to end up like the church at Corinth. I do not want to be characterized by the song, "If we are the body..."

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