Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Will We Just Talk About It?

I am good at talking about things that I hope will come true. I am a person that constantly dreams about the future, wonders what could be, and envisions what it will look like when my dreams come true. Unfortunately too many of my dreams will never come true because at some point my dreams must produce action or else I am just a dreamer.

Since moving to Greenville to turn a dream into reality I have had numerous conversations about the state of the church. This is not news to me or anyone else who hears it. The church has turned inward, forgotten about the mission given by Jesus to reach the world, and seems concerned about petty things. In fact, I think a sports analyzer would describe the church as a loosing team because it is just floundering with inward battles dominating the agenda.

So here is my thought about that - we know where we are at, but who is telling us where we are going? I am tired of conversations reminding how bad it is! Where are the dreamers, where are those willing to stick their neck out to make change, where are those that are tired of the status quot?

At some point we must move from conversations into dreaming what the church can do to reach the lost (not attract the saved). Then these God inspired visions must produce action or else we are a group of people just doing a lot of talking. Frankly, I am tired of the talk! May God raise up men and women that don't want to talk about the problems of the church, but seek God for a solution and put God's plan into action.

More on this tomorrow.

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