Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Personal Thoughts of a Church Planter

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's post to wait on the Lord. There is a song that says "strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" and that seems to be where I am living these days...waiting on the Lord!

These are my thoughts lately about waiting, good or bad here they are. Frankly, I am not good at waiting. We have been here for six full months and in my mind The Journey should be running over with people wanting to invest into the life of a church plant. The reality is that planting a church is hard work! Working with people is a great opportunity, but it is also filled with disappointments. Just when you think some are coming on board with you, they disappear!
My first thought is to cast these people aside and press on, but if I am waiting on the Lord then I must understand that He has a plan for them that may or may not include The Journey.

So here is my thought for the day: what do you do when you wait on the Lord? Am I to just wait at the house and catch up on television, do I continue to build relationship with core group members, with lost, with the community?

The Bible tells us to watch and pray, so waiting is an active sport. Prayer is not a blessing for a meal but a time to engage with the Heavenly Father. I guess this ties in with yesterday's question about fasting and praying.

Help me out here, what do you do to promote an active prayer life rather than passive waiting. Any suggestions are welcomed and needed!

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